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by Shantell Martin Shop

Nocturne & 50 Hour Focus Candle

$ 398.00
Select Nocturne (Color)

Discover the collaborative candle by Shantell Martin and Joya, exploring the passage of time with themes of focus and artistic expression. With a total burn time of approximately 50 hours, each layer unveils a unique scent, marking distinct moments. The candle features original artwork by Shantell Martin, screen printed on classic glass votives. The first layer, "Silk Pajamas," offers herbal inflections, while the second layer, "Dragon Well," combines uplifting tea notes with a creamy white floral base. Net weight: 185g/6.5oz. Ingredients: soy wax blend, fine fragrance, essential oil.

This candle is paired with "Nocturne", an artwork that emerges from Tokyo's vibrant nightlife, where Shantell digitally sketches amidst the bright lights and energy of the city's clubs. This captivating piece is a nocturnal symphony of lines with rare hints of colour, capturing the essence of Tokyo's electric nightlife.


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